Synopsis It is a sitcom talk show program set in a school. In each episode, new celebrity guests appear as transfer students at the 'Brothe… is dedicated to providing you with the most up-to-date and exclusive spoilers
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Synopsis Holy Moly! To celebrate the year-end and the holidays, the extraordinary award as special as the greatest lineup of the dramas begins.…
Synopsis The 2024 KBS Entertainment Awards, where you get a glimpse of all the variety shows throughout this year that brought the viewers joy, te…
Young Sherlock Holmes , also known as Young Sherlock Holmes and the Pyramid of Fear , is a mystery and adventure teen film directed by Barry Levins…
The Korean remake of the beloved Chinese drama Go Ahead has been delivering much-needed slice-of-life content to our lives for the past few weeks so…
Kim Jaejoong (@jj_1986_jj), Choi Jin Hyuk (@real_jinhyuk), Lee Chae-yeon (@chaestival_), and Lee Mi-joo (@queen.chu_s) will be featured in MBC’s (@…
Netflix's sports survival variety show Rugged Rugby: Conquer or Die is releasing today. Rugged Rugby: Conquer or Die showcases the battles o…