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Kiss Of Life Make It Sticky And It Bops

Kiss Of Life return with a single album Sticky.

KISS OF LIFE’s route to success has to be studied because these girls deserve everything they are getting. See what happens when we debut women! I love to see them succeed and it is also so nice to have them bring us some fantastic summer themed music because I am in desperate need of a banger right now. I was a bit surprised though that this song already came out at midnight KST though. What is happening to 6PM releases hmm.. anyway, let’s review.

Sticky is exactly what the teasers for it promised me, it’s smooth r&b focused summer music with an amazingly catchy rhythm and vocals for days. The girls are honestly hypnotizing during the music video with their visuals and the choreography. Sticky is a smooth grower of a song, I am pretty sure this will become a lot more addictive with time than it already is. Sticky has the potential to blow KISS OF LIFE up even more than they already have, because “how long before we fall in love?”. I do have to admit that Sticky is a bit of a choice for a hook but it weirdly works. Sticky bops.

Te Quiero is the b-side we get for this single album and honestly? This is fanstasic I love the latin pop influences, the girls’ vocals absolutely pop with it and it is extra catchy like this. Overall a nice and solid single album to start off July with!
