Kwon Eunbi Returns To Sabotage Our Hearts

Kwon Eunbi returns finally with her second single album Sabotage and title song of the same name.

I’ve just realized that I haven’t reviewed any Eunbi releases since her debut – it’s fun to do one today! It’s nice seeing that the lights at Woollim Entertainment aren’t completely off (could’ve fooled me) and that Eunbi is here to deliver a fun summer track to us. She’s been forming a very stable fandom since her solo debut and it seems that she knows exactly what kind of sound suits her which is amazing because you can definitely recognize her style by now! She always has some very interesting electro elements in her music and I’m excited to see what she prepared for us today – I’m sure it’s going to be in her style but maybe more upbeat and summery considering it’s June. Let’s dive in and review her newest single Sabotage!

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Sabotage is such a fun track from Eunbi. It definitely brings that recognizable energy and style she’s been developing since her solo debut but it also brings a different kind of melody to the table making it even more enjoyable. The verses are solid, building up to a catchy and energetic chorus that will definitely get stuck in my head after a few listens. It offers an upbeat melody that really makes me want to groove right alongside her. The lyrics are also fresh and suit this kind of melody in the first place making Sabotage a rather cohesive track until the very end. The bridge is a short one but it achieves its goal – making us pause for a second before that explosive final chorus. I also really like the music video and the choreography Sabotage brings. All the elements of the song work well with each other and I think Eunbi really delivered such a fun summer track whose main hook and that whistle-instrumental will get stuck in our heads soon enough. Eunbi also looks really pretty with this styling!

The new single album offers us some new b-sides as well and I really like Unnatural and Bad Blood both. Unnatural is more upbeat while Bad Blood offers some kind of almost Latin-inspired atmosphere that suits Eunbi well. Bad Blood‘s post-chorus instrumental is so catchy and makes me want to go back to the song right away. The verses have an acoustic kind of melody which serves as a nice buildup for that fun chorus to kick in. Summer is here everyone!

Lina: Same as Una I am surprised and happy to see the lights on at Woollim, it was about time this queen would make a comeback and it is a really solid song. I have a feeling this might grow on me pretty soon and very much so as well. Eunbi doesn’t miss and the b-sides are also really solid!

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