London's wind turbines

I was in Dagenham and I saw this wind turbine and I wondered
How many wind turbines are there in London?

I couldn't find a list anywhere nor could I find a map.

So I made a map using OpenStreetMap and OverpassTurbo.
I've finally worked out how to do that now.

It produced a map showing 44 wind turbines in the Greater London area.
So, 44 then.

Except I looked a bit closer and some of these wind turbines are a bit small.
The map includes the three twiddlers in the roof of the Strata skyscraper at Elephant & Castle.
The map includes a "micro turbine" on the roof of Hayes Fire Station.
The map includes a turbine on a school playing field in Colindale.
The map includes the seven small wind turbines in the Olympic Park.
I'm not sure any of those really count.

What I really want is a list of turbines above a certain level of capacity.

The Olympic Park turbines are merely 8kW.
The wind turbine in my photo, by comparison, is 1.8MW.

Here's my attempt at a list of decent-sized wind turbines in London.
It gets a bit questionmarky in places.

••• Dagenham Wind Farm: 3 turbines, 1.8MW, 1.8MW, 2.3MW [120m tall]
Crossness Sewage Treatment Works: 2.3MW
• Beckton Sewage Treatment Works: 2.2MW
Erith (Manor Road): 500kW
• Sky TV campus (Brentford): 100kW
• West Ham Bus Garage: 100kW

That's probably as small as we ought to go.
But likely incomplete.
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