RIIZE make their comeback with their first mini album called RIIZING and title Boom Boom Bass.
Oh I think RIIZE might have finally won me over with this one! I was excited to see what a full EP by this group would sound like as SM has only given them singles so far, that being said I was a bit disappointed to see that we mostly just got the singles we know on this plus 1 (?) new song at least its one I hadn’t heard but those are absolute bangers. I honestly have stopped keeping up with groups and who the members are so besides the two ex NCT boys I still don’t know any of these boys but I am here to enjoy the music. So let’s review.
Boom Boom Bass is an absolute banger and a half and I knew this from the teasers already but having heard the full thing I can confidently say that after Impossible this is by far my favorite RIIZE song. The song also feels very essentially SM, Boom Boom Bass has the groove and the vocals to show for. I have to admit that at first the verses for Boom Boom Bass are a bit stronger than the chorus however that pre-chorus is stunning and really fits into the entire vibe of the song. Boom Boom Bass feels like an acapella song without being acapella and the boys are just performing the heck out of it and I am here grooving along and enjoying the trip. This is a nice little road trip summer song I just wish I had the weather for it. Boom Boom Bass really turns it up when it comes to the end of the song but it all just fits together nicely.
Okay first of all whoever did the track list needs a bit of a talking to because going from Boom Boom Bass to Siren kind of gave me whiplash and not in a nice way at all. The first three songs just do not flow nicely and I think that just shows how diverse RIIZE string of singles have been. Obviously Impossible is one of my favorite songs on the EP but from the songs we hadn’t heard before it has to be Honestly, well with all of them having music videos it was kind of obvious which one I’d mention here. I know they had a live video of this song up for a month but I never watched that. I like how mellow Honestly is. Overall this is a solid EP I just wish it felt a bit more cohesive and we had gotten more new songs but oh well.