Sweet Home 2 Undoes Everything That Made Sweet Home Decent

With the end of Sweet Home 1 being confusing but a decent ending to the story, Netflix decided to give us 2 more seasons and Sweet Home 2 is an absolute disaster.

Oh have I been waiting to write this one, I for some reason almost forgot I had to write it as well? How? When I remember this dumpster fire so clearly. But let me not get ahead of myself. Let’s start at the beginning, as you guys might remember I had my complains about Sweet Home but with time passing my heart grew fonder of it and I actually got really hyped to see season two of this. I mean more Song Kang is always nice and since the first season of this he has grown so much. So obviously I was more than intrigued to see what they would do with season two of this. Let’s review.

Sweet Home 2 summary via MDL: Residents of Green Home Apartments, including Cha Hyun Soo, fight against monsters to leave their base and venture out into the world. At a baseball stadium, survivors from all over begin to live together. They are threatened by the monsters outside and also by the monstrous desires of the people among them.

Mhm, where do I start and how do I say this. Ah yes let me start with this: What the actual fuck?! Excuse my profanity but what were the writers thinking here? Yes, this review won’t be spoiler free but I think I am doing you a favor because be prepared. Let me ask another question: What was the point of season one and having survivors when you kill off almost all likable legacy characters in the first two episodes and then bring in borderline unlikable solider characters I have no emotional connection to? How am I supposed to care about this? Why would I care what happen to them? Well, at least season 2 picks up exactly where first season left off..

Okay, as you can see I have a lot of questions because Sweet Home 2 is so full of plot holes, weird twists and turns that don’t make sense that it becomes almost unwatchable, we don’t speak about the weird CGI we are used to it and Korea is trying their best but…. what? I at some point only cared about Hyunsoo (the horrible hair made a comeback if I remember correctly), even though we barely see him for the first part of the drama and Yikyung, who? was pregnant last we saw her. Surprise she isn’t anymore but she had some weird black colored demon baby? What? Oh my god this entire show does not make sense and the world building gets even more lost in this season. I still do not understand how these monster’s of desire work. I thought I had it but then they introduce something else and the little understanding I had is completely gone. Lost in the sauce.

I feel like Sweet Home 2 writers tried to do too many things not knowing how to execute them, because I can see the vision kinda but I can’t follow it. Sweet Home 2 is a mess and undoes everything we loved about season 1. Yes, they answered some of our questions about the monsters but promptly introduced new ones that confuses us viewers even more. Yes we get to keep some legacy characters and even get one of the biggest ones back (Yes!! HIM!!!!!!!) but sadly only at the end of the season, which was lowkey the best part of it. Sweet Home 2 is best when it is over. But as I said we get to keep some but at what cost? At the cost of a good plot and likable characters. I did like Jinyoung’s character he was probably one of the most likable soldiers and I am excited he is getting coin.


Otherwise, I am glad I got through Sweet Home 2 because it was hard at times, not that it was boring oh no, it was just … a lot to handle. One thing that Sweet Home 2 did though is making me want to see how they wrap this up in the third season and how Dohyun fits back into this. We also got a decent amount of character development in this season to be frank which is nice. However, I pray that Song Kang and Dohyun just absolutely carry Sweet Home 3 and right what Sweet Home 2 wronged. And finally explain the world of this drama because I always think I know and then I think too hard about it and realize I don’t!

I don’t really have to comment about the acting or chemistry of Sweet Home 2 because all these actors are by no doubt talented and know how to do their jobs. All of them did their best with the script that they had and the chemistry between characters that have any to begin with were great. Overall, if you watched Sweet Home and feel content with the ending don’t get into Sweet Home 2. If you want to see a weird sci-fi fantasy horror mess then Sweet Home 2 is right there. I am patiently waiting for Sweet Home 3 and more awful writing in the meantime!

P.S: How could I forget the main star of this season which is naked human buttocks! So much ass this season! Song Kang ate though whew.

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