Synopsis The highly anticipated second season of "Jeon Hyun-moo's Plan" has revealed an exciting lineup of guests. The show, known for its enjoyable food-centric content, will continue to feature the popular "eating guest" who shares a close friendship with Jeon Hyun-moo. Additionally, the younger and more relatable "곽튜브" (Kwak Jun-bin) will join Jeon Hyun-moo on their food adventures.
Jun Hyun Moo's Plan 2
Native Title | 전현무계획 2 |
Also Known As | Jeon Hyeon Mu Gyehoek2 |
Cast | Jun Hyun Moo, Kwak Joon Bin |
Original Network | MBN |
Genres | Food,Travel Show, Documentary |
Duration | 1 hr. 15 min. |