I Am Solo (2024)
The men will choose their dates this week, and Hyun Sook is chosen by three men. Jung Sook and Young Ho go on a 1-on-1 date, and things get pretty hot. Sang Chul and Young Ja also enjoy a peaceful, private date. After all the dates, the participants gather at night for the games to win super date tickets.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 SubtitlesThe participants go on their super dates this week. Young Ja goes out with Young Ho, and Hyun Sook asks Young Sik out. That night, the women get to choose their dates while the men wait in their rooms. Jung Sook chooses her date, and we finally learn which man she kisses. Check out how their relationships get intertwined before the final selection.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 SubtitlesYoung Sook and Young Chul keep trying to decide what to do after the show, and Hyun Sook is still unsure about Young Sik. Before the final selection, the single participants are given the opportunity to confess their feelings one last time by proposing. Find out how many couples are matched in Season 20.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 SubtitlesThe new season is here, and the participants of Solo Land 21 arrive one by one. Their gorgeous looks surprise the hosts, and they get their names for the program. The men and women make their first impression selections, and the outcome is pretty shocking. Check out the members of the new season and how attractive they are.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 SubtitlesThe single participants of Season 21 finally go to the place they will stay in for five days. They have a barbecue party for dinner and have a lot of conversations. As the mixed emotions continue, the self-introduction session begins, and their jobs and ages are quite surprising. Find out which participants change their minds.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 SubtitlesThe female participants go up to the men's house to ask them out, and the male participants will choose who to go on a date with. Ok Soon surprisingly gets three votes despite the distance between Korea and Moscow. After the first date, the singles gather for more drinks, and things start to change.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 SubtitlesIt's morning in Solo Land 21, and some of the participants are already busy. They ask people out to go for a walk, and they start to get a grasp. The random dates are chosen by the outfits of their choosing, and the outcome is shocking. The single men and women in this season are quite zealous, so check out how it goes.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 SubtitlesThe feelings are still intertwined in Solo Land 21, so the singles focus on choosing the right one from the morning. Next, it's time for the ladies to select their dates, and some participants still can't decide on the fourth day. They return home that night and find out that the games for super date tickets will begin.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 subtitleThe singles of Season 21 are back from their dates, and they seem to have decided whom to go for. That night, they play three games to earn super date tickets, and Ok Soon wins two. While everyone is busy expressing their feelings, Hyun Sook hears shocking news from all three men that she's been interested in.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 subtitleThe women get the right to choose the last date in Solo Land 21. The matched ones go on a date to have one last serious conversation before the final selection. Young Chul cooks a surprise breakfast for Sun Ja. Then, the participants gather for the final selection, so find out if any couples are matched.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 subtitleSeason 22 is here with the attractive divorced singles. The new participants arrive one by one to get their names, and the men carry the women's suitcases. The women make their first impression selections, and the result is shocking. Find out about the stories of these divorced singles and how charming they are.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 subtitleFollowed by last week, the men make their first impression selections, and the result is shocking. They all drive to the houses they'll stay at, and it's their first night together to figure each other out. The following morning, the participants gather in one place for the self-introduction session. Check out how it goes.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 Host 7 subtitleThe women finish their self-introduction, and several participants change their minds or have mixed feelings. Next, the first date selection comes around, and the men have to ask the women out in front of the women's house. The women will choose their dates, and the outcome shocks everyone. Check it out!
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 Host 7 subtitleFrom last week's first date selection, the men will go on the first dates with the women who chose them. The ones who weren't chosen stay back at the house for the lonely meal, while Kyung Soo goes on a date with four women. Things get mixed up, and this leads to Jung Sook's misunderstanding. Find out how it goes.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 subtitleKyung Soo still finds it difficult to tell Jung Sook about his mistake and only tells others. Later, he finally confronts her and tells her the truth. Young Ho still can't make up his mind about Sun Ja, and Jung Hee expresses her feelings for Sang Chul. The following morning, the single participants gather and make selections.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 Host 7 subtitleThe men will go on dates with their second favorites, as they chose last week. Some misunderstandings are resolved, and they come back. Ok Soon is still not sure that Kyung Soo is into him as he expresses nothing. That night, the participants gather again, and they'll go on late-night dates with their favorites.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 subtitleFollowed by last week's dates with the men's second favorites, the men go on nighttime dates with their favorites. Several misunderstandings are resolved between Kyung Soo and Ok Soon, and they're more honest about their feelings. Young Sook is on a date with three men, and Kwang Soo isn't sure about his past choice.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 Host 7 subtitleKwang Soo is turned off by Young Sook's overconfidence, so he sets his mind on Young Ja. Young Soo still wants to know how Young Sook feels, but she keeps putting it off. Sun Ja only has her eyes set on Young Ho, but he isn't so sure. Next, the male participants are in the pool, and the women will pull them out if they want to go on a date.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 subtitleThe divorced singles go on their dates, and Young Ja and Kwang Soo are off to a smooth start. Kwang Soo decides to forget about religion and take a leap of faith. Kyung Soo goes on a date with three women, and Ok Soon doesn't seem to be in a good mood. And Sun Ja is sad after her date with Young Ho. The couple getting married is revealed this week, so check it out!
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 Host 7 subtitleWatch the wedding footage of Kwang Soo and Young Ja. This week's episode begins with games to win super date tickets. The winners ask out the ones they want on super dates, and Young Chul shoots his shot at Young Sook. Young Ho and Sun Ja go on a date, and Young Ho can't help but feel uncomfortable.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 Host 7 subtitleThe men choose their dates this time, and Young Sook is chosen by Young Soo and Young Chul. Their 2-to-1 date turns into a fierce war of nerves between the two men. Sang Chul chooses Jung Hee, and they seem certain about each other. The following morning, the participants make their final choices, so see how it goes.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 subtitleThe new season begins, and the participants of Solo Land 23 arrive one by one. The male and female participants meet each other and have a barbecue. Next, the first impression selection begins, and the men need to try different frequencies until they reach the woman of their choice. Find out whom they choose.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 subtitleThe result of the first impression selection is revealed, and Young Ho and Ok Soon go on a noble date the following morning. The participants get ready for the self-introduction, and the men and women introduce themselves. Some people change their minds after the introduction, while others don't. Check out how it goes!
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 subtitleThe self-introduction ends, and the first selection of Solo Land 23 begins. The men will ask the women out, and the women will choose who they want to go on dates with. While some are given the lonely meal, the others either go on 1-on-1 dates or multiple-to-one dates. They share their honest thoughts during the dates, so find out how it goes.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 subtitleThings for the participants of Solo Land 23 get complicated, and they enthusiastically ask each other to talk. Young Sik resolves the misunderstanding with Young Sook, and Kwang Soo makes a move on Ok Soon. Next, the women are asked to pick their second favorites to go on dates. Find out how it goes.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 Host 7 subtitleBased on the second favorites chosen by the women last week, the participants go on dates. Meanwhile, the favorites are left alone in the house, and they're anxious. That night, the men are told to give flowers to the women they mentioned as their favorites in the morning. Check out their choices and how the dates go.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 Host 7 subtitleYoung Chul decides to go only for Sun Ja but makes the mistake of announcing it in front of everyone. Sun Ja is obviously offended, and they talk about it again the following morning. Young Sik also has a hard time deciding, and Young Sook isn't sure about him due to the distance. Things are going well for Young Ho and Hyun Sook.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 Host 7 subtitleThe men get the opportunity to choose their dates, and they're all paired up, which is rare. The participants are conflicted before the dates, and they get to ask various questions to each other. Ok Soon is frustrated with the way Kwang Soo treats him, and Sun Ja is uncomfortable with how Young Chul only cares for others.
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 subtitleThe participants play multiple games to win super date tickets. A lot of them are still unable to decide on who to choose, and there are many misunderstandings. Young Ho and Hyun Sook finally resolve their misunderstanding by having a deep conversation, and Sun Ja is still unsure about Young Chul. Check out the final selection!
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 Host 7 subtitleThe new participants of Solo Land 24 are finally here. The men and women enter one by one, and they meet for the first time. The male participants will choose their favorites and second favorites based on their first impressions. Next, the females will drive to Solo Land with their favorites. Find out who they choose!
Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 5 Host 6 subtitleAfter the first impression selection, the participants go to the houses in Solo Land 24. They take some time to observe each other over a barbecue party for dinner, and Ok Soon turns out to be popular. The following morning, the self-introduction begins, and the male participants tell their stories. Check it out!
Followed by last week, the women's self-introduction session begins. Then, they gather once again for the first date selection, and the men will ask the women out. Young Sook and Sun Ja go out with Young Chul, and Ok Soon surprisingly chooses Young Soo. Young Ho and Young Sik end up eating the lonely meal, so find out how it goes.
The participants of Season 24 are back from their first dates. The two men who had lonely meals are desperately waiting for them to return, and Young Sik is busy talking to the women he's interested in. The following morning, they will go on random dates, knowing they'll go on dates with their favorites in six hours.
The participants are randomly matched based on the catchphrases of I am Solo, and some go on dates with the ones they want. The same night, all the participants return and must prepare for late-night dates. This time, the men must choose the women they chose nine hours ago, and their choices are surprising.
The late-night dates from last week continue, and Sang Chul and Young Sook find things in common. Meanwhile, Sun Ja and Young Chul talk more deeply about Sun Ja's veganism, and they start to realize that they may not be compatible. Kwang Soo talks to the women he's interested in and tries to decide before the final selection.
Young Sik, Young Soo, and Young Ho all want to go on a date with Ok Soon, and Ok Soon tells Young Sik about how she chose him in last night's interview. He gets so excited that he tells everyone, making her grow apart. The men get to choose their next dates, and Kwang Soo chooses Jung Sook. Find out how it goes.
Ok Soon's 5-on-1 date continues, and Young Sik pours his heart out in front of everyone. Ok Soon is no longer interested in him, but he doesn't realize that. Young Chul and Kwang Soo are still interested in Sun Ja, so they talk more about it. The following morning, they play games to win super date tickets, so check out who wins.
After initially pursuing Jung Sook, Kwang Soo turned his attention to Sun Ja. Now, he's set his sights on Ok Soon. She challenges him, wondering if he shies away from popular women or lacks ambition. Young Sik, meanwhile, is desperate for Ok Soon to select him. Who will Ok Soon choose for her Super Date?
Is Kwang Soo's love strategy exposed ahead of the final selection? After their Super Date, Ok Soon claims that Kwang Soo was trying to manipulate her into voting for him and revealed that he was also acting ambiguously towards other single women. Sun Ja and Jung Sook also expressed disappointment in Kwang Soo.
Are the rumors true? The 25th season singles, known for their adorable charm, will enter Solo Land alongside a new face, Mi Kyung! This season promises something truly unique. What will be the results of their heart-fluttering First Impression Selection?
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vestibulum dignissim diam, et efficitur felis commodo et. Mauris vel diam pellentesque lorem lacinia luctus. Nulla quam magna, pharetra in ultrices at, condimentum id tellus. Sed suscipit sapien sed turpis ultrices viverra.