Shaun of the Dead (Wright, 2004) 20th Anniversary

Written by Hailey Passmore

The first film of Edgar Wright’s Cornetto Trilogy, Shaun of the Dead (2004) returns to cinemas to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Known as a British cult classic, Shaun of the Dead has become a film loved by the UK and the trilogy itself is well known all over the country. Perhaps one of the most iconic trilogies ever made and a staple in the horror comedy genre. Director Edgar Wright, along with his two leads – Simon Pegg and Nick Frost – team up for the first out of three great comedies.

Shaun of the Dead follows Shaun (Pegg) while he lives his extremely uneventful life. Pleasing his girlfriend and mother, he also spends much of his time in his local pub. His simple routine is all of a sudden uplifted when the dead come back to life and the city of London becomes their dinner. In Shaun of the Dead audiences root for Shaun as he works with his best friend Ed (Frost) to save Liz (Kate Ashfield) and Shaun’s mother Barbara (Penelope Wilton). With the use of his local pub, will Shaun and Ed be able to save the day? That is the question audiences want answered when they watch the film.

What starts off as a mundane day in the life turns into a hilarious horror. With quick cuts between Shaun and equipment used to fight off the living dead, the editing in Shaun of the Dead adds to the plot. The editing choices made in Shaun of the Dead are considered very ‘on brand’ of British films of the 2000s, with Guy Ritchie making very similar choices in his films. It adds to the aesthetic of the film and reminds viewers, even 20 years later, the era this film came out in and yet still is iconic today. 

Let’s not forget the hilarious soundtrack that follows the film. Singing electro music drunk in their flat at 3am, pelting the dead in the head as “Don’t stop me now” blares on the record player in the background, Shaun of the Dead isn’t short of musical moments that add to the comedic aspect of the film. 

Sticking true to British culture, Shaun of the Dead brings an exciting new change to the typical zombie movie. How exciting that Shaun of the Dead brought Wright and Pegg into the Hollywood light, allowing them to create the British staple that is the Cornetto Trilogy. 

Letterboxd Review

You can also check out Hailey's review on her personal blog here

Photo credits to IMDb and [FILMGRAB],

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