Single's Inferno Season 4 Final Choice Recap: Who Are the Final Couples?

Single's Inferno 4

Single's Inferno 4 is an honest and hot reality dating show for singles in search of love on Inferno, a deserted island where only couples can escape to Paradise. The singles who have been through a whirlwind of intense emotions together for 10 days confess their inner thoughts and worries that they have not been able to confess until now, unraveling the tangled threads of their love line. The final story is here, and the singles are left with only the final choice to make. Who will leave as a couple, and who will be left behind on Inferno?

Single's Inferno Season 4 Final Couples

Single's Inferno 4 Finale - Who Are the Final Couples?


Tehwan was sure of Jiyeon from the moment he first saw her. As they spent more time together, he found himself opening up more, and liked her more and more with how adorable she was.

Single's Inferno 4 Final Couple Jiyeon & Tehwan

Tehwan: I was so happy to have met you on Inferno. And I really enjoyed the time we spent together. Let's leave and get some coffee.

Jiyeon: Thanks to you, our hard time on Inferno was more enjoyable, and I relied on you a lot. During the time we spent together, you expressed your feelings so well. You kept telling me I was pretty and cute. You made me really happy, and I was grateful.

Although Jiyeon had reservations about his sincerity, she decided to leave inferno with Tehwan in the end. In the post-interview, Jiyeon said, "After many conversations with Tehwan, I thought not everything was a perfect match between us. I was uncertain about a few things. Still, I believe what he says. He was entirely focused on me and no one else. He was straightforward and invested all of his time with me. I think that's why I was drawn to him."


Dongho spent the most time with Arin at both Inferno and Paradise, and was attracted to how compatible they were. His final choice is Arin and he hopes to maintain a good relationship with her going forward.

Single's Inferno 4 Final Couple Dongho & Arin

Dongho: Arin, let's see each other often on the outside.

Arin: After we leave here, let's have fun together.

Arin's choice was Dongho from the very start. And Dongho did not waver in his choice until the very end despite receiving strong interest from Haelin and Youjin. In the post-interview, Arin said, "It could be fate. We'll see after this. Beep, boop." 🤖


Jonghoon shared many memories with Hyejin on Inferno, and felt like their feelings for each other were truly genuine.

Single's Inferno 4 Final Couple Hyejin & Jonghoon

Jonghoon: We've been on Inferno together for far too long. Let's leave together.

Hyejin: Thanks for showing up in the middle.

After Hyejin's bold confession of interest towards him in front of everyone, Jonghoon went straight to Hyejin and did not waver in his choice despite a final Paradise date with Youjin.


Theo regained his pure emotions from his youth along with the courage to express everything he felt with Sian. Despite receiving a rejection, his final choice is still Sian. Those feelings are still within him, and he believes it is right to follow where his heart races.

Junseo says Sian is the first person who made him dedicate himself to this experience, and makes him want to protect her.

For Jeongsu, he says it was always Sian from the start, and it was always her for the ten days. He was someone who never believed in love at first sight, but looking back now, he realized he had fell for her at first sight.

Single's Inferno 4 Theo, Junseo, and Jeongsu final choice Sian

Final Confession:

Theo: Sian, I wanted to show you all of my true feelings, and I wanted to see yours as well. And both happened. I have no regrets. I'm grateful. Every moment I spent with you made me really happy. I wish you more happiness.

Junseo: Sian, since coming here, from the beginning to the end of this journey, nothing went as I had expected. Along the way, I discovered a new side of myself, and I think I was able to find it because I met you. I feel like I've rediscovered really pure and wonderful memories, so that makes me really happy. And I'm sad this is the end. I'm glad I could make so many good memories. Thanks.

Jeongsu: From the moment you first smiled at me until now, I've liked you. I hope whatever choice you make is a good one.


Single's Inferno 4 Final Couple Sian & Junseo

Sian's Final Confession:

Theo, when I was with you, I laughed the most. I could feel how sincere you were. My feelings were really sincere as well. Let's be happy.

Junseo, when I'm with you, you made me feel all sorts of emotions. Things like sadness, happiness, and excitement.

Jeongsu, thank you for taking me to Paradise the first time. I was glad to spend my last day in Paradise with you as well. Your hair looks good with it down.

Single's Inferno 4 Final Couple Sian & Junseo

The person Sian chooses to leave Inferno with is Junseo, the one who makes her heart race! Sian wanted a fiery and passionate whirlwind romance, and Junseo delivered! 💓

In the post-interview, Sian said, "How did this happen? To be honest, my time with Junseo felt like a whirlwind. When I'm with Junseo, instead of comfort, I feel excited, uneasy, and awkward. I kept feeling concerned, jealous, and other emotions like that. That made me certain he was the one for me. I want to go out with Junseo and have our relationship out in the open. Will it happen?"

Single's Inferno 4 Jeongsu, Theo, Minseol, Haelin, and Youjin left behind on Inferno


Minseol said, "From start to finish here, he's the person I laughed the most with. Also, until the very end, he was the person who kept me on my toes."


Haelin teasingly said, "[Dongho] Be honest. You wavered for a moment, right? Admit it."


Youjin said, "I never got the chance to go to Paradise with Dongho, so I had already given up on him. My final choice is Kim Jeongsu. He's the person I had the deepest conversations with. We respected and thought of each other as amazing people, and we would often tell each other that."

Jeongsu, Theo, Minseol, Haelin, and Youjin were left behind on Inferno without a match. But four sweet couples were formed on Single's Inferno Season 4, congratulations! 😘😘

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